Love your Wellbeing

Love your Wellbeing

Love your Wellbeing

14 December, 2021


Let’s talk






And how they connect


This one’s from Kate

Well , for Kate

She was our inspiration

We’d like to remind her

And reassure her

For no other reason

Than we can

That where she’s at , is exactly where she’s meant to be

And it’s only getting better


Kate’s been busy , Being

As usual

But , in particular , with a new puppy

Her last dog , Frank , decided to join us some months ago

And although , she was happy to settle into his absence , she realized there would come a time , she would like to love again


This is the natural order of things for you there

When something wears out , or is no longer

You seek a replacement

When you experience fun & stuff that makes you happy

You crave more of that

It’s a reasonable action

In fact , it’s as close to organic as it gets

And it feeds your Wellbeing


Kate’s been wrestling the Contrast created

Just what her feelings are saying

If her moving forward , is really moving on 

And replacing Frank

And the love they had


The puppy may have changed

But the way she loves , hasn’t

Her “Want” to love , is still strong

Her heart fills with joy , every time she thinks of Frank


You always receive what you want

And because , what comes to you , is always & forever a vibrational match to you

And because Kate wants to always love Frank

And because , for Kate , dogs are an expression of Joy

Her Energy is flowing

Energy , that is deliberate & intentional

And it’s attached to sensation

The sensation of happy & fun & reciprocity

It’s unconditional & unlimited


Like her dedication to this sensation

She wants to feel good

She chooses it


Now , is where the connection occurs

The link between love & wellbeing & dogs

Well , all animals really

And all forms of fun

Wellbeing is not about your body

It’s all about your ” Allowing ”

It’s about how your freedom of being , shows itself in your physical vehicle or presence


For Kate , part of her flexibility & Allowing will always encompass her love of animals

In particular , the Joy created & received from dogs

She knows this unlimited , intense , all consuming satisfaction & peace from being in their company

It’s a true bliss for her

The exchange of affection & attention is a reflection of Wellbeing


She has no problem allowing it

She has no problem receiving it

She can always & forever , just allow it to be

This is what we mean when we say

Find Joy

Stop Resisting

Start Allowing


If all Kate ever does , is hang out with puppies

Her Wellbeing is sorted

She’s busy finding Joy

And in doing so

Allowing her Wellbeing , to just Be


Wellbeing is laminated to all the stuff that feels good

And when you’re not resisting

You’re Allowing

And when you’re Allowing

You’re not resisting

And so on

And so on






Don’t resist the temptation to have fun

Your Wellbeing depends on it


Much love

Hope (& Kate ….. & Frank) xxx

29 July 2021

Join The Joy

The Resistance

The Resistance

The Resistance

13 December, 2021


Some of you are simply a Vibrational Match to “wanting

So , you just keep wanting

And your reward in motion is that you have lots of wants & don’t actually ever achieve any one of them apart from the original

Which was to have a bunch of wants



You got heaps!


It’s important to immerse yourself in the desire

To imagine the look & feel of having it

When you can do that with clarity

You can feel assured it’s on its way

If when you think about yourself , in the version of your life & existence , that has your Want , & you feel anything other than comfortable

Take notice , because that is what we call “Resistance


And your Resistance , is what stands between you, & the having of your Want

Work on that

Center your thoughts on the removal of any , & all , Resistance

Or the behavior

Or the belief

When you truly do this , you complete the process , & Law Of Attraction will match you to your sincere Want


If you ask for something that you cannot be a match to

That you are simply not ready to achieve

It is obvious why it’s arrival is delayed

Don’t see this as defeat

Or nonsense

The premise works

It is not flawed

You , & your lives are living proof in every moment , of the success & certainty of Law Of Attraction & how it goes


Your very human perspective is to see limitation

To believe that possibility is limited to your body and it’s visceral function

Your body is just the vehicle

The equipment needed

What’s possible , is actioned by your body , but not limited to it


Look at us

We don’t have the body

We still have achievement

Your body is a part of Universal Energy

You are attached to all that is

Your body is your expression of Universal Energy

It’s your car to drive the super highway of Source Energy

You are physical energy flowing non physical energy

Energy can move anywhere and everywhere in all different shapes & forms

Unless you create ” Resistance “

By believing otherwise

Your beliefs are just thoughts you keep thinking

Think the same thought over & over

And it’s no longer just a thought

It’s your “now” belief


If it serves you

Hang onto it

If it’s no longer working

Give it an upgrade

Or just let it go altogether & replace it with something that feels better


Your beliefs are exactly that


You create them

You get to decide

And they can free you , or restrict you


No matter what you think

Your thoughts are successful

No thought is a failure

Because whatever you think , still attracts

It’s still working

Law Of Attraction is always & forever in play

You can simply start again , or change your thought , to change your results


If you can attempt to accept this idea

That is your first step to understanding & in turn knowing that Resistance is self made

That it is all about you , & only you

Because your thoughts are all that matter

And they happen in your body

You create them

You catalogue them

You modify or delete them

So any Resistance is in your control

And if you are experiencing Resistance

You get to decide for how long


And once you do

You are back to immersing yourself in the new reality

The one that has green lights all the way

The one that is already happening

And on its way to you

The new “Now” Vibrational Match you want


Much love


8 May , 2021

Join The Joy

A Note from our Sponsor

A Note from our Sponsor

A Note from our Sponsor

12 December, 2021


It’s me , Kate

So , today , Hope said this:

” To create change

You have to observe & notice your own behaviour

And often you do this by observing others

You see first in others ,  what you ignore in yourselves

This Contrast , or reflection , is healthy , effective & valuable

It’s process at work

Once the recognition has occurred , change is actioned

How fast or slow that vibrates is up to the individual

Once you see space for change , you have to decide deliberately to action it past that point

You must choose

Only you can

It’s your story

Your life

You are the author , designer & architect of your own experience “

They said it in response to me

I was doing that thing again…..


( About my behaviour )

I ask myself often

“ Do I do that? “

” Am I doing that? ”

It will be in reaction to when I see behavior in others that I don’t like or can’t respect

Sometimes the answer is yes

I’m Human

And after dealing with my reality

And by that I mean , thinking my behavior through

Deciding what I’m going to change & how

Because I can’t appreciate how it looks , or it doesn’t feel good

My thoughts then go to being Grateful

I say Thanks


To all I’ve been shown

To all those that share how I can move forward

Everyone that’s out there doing it differently to me

Because without you

I can’t see the difference ,  or at the very least ,  I negate I have Choice


I can choose the opposite of what I think you’re choosing

Or I can just choose again

If I’m doing what you’re doing

And by watching you , I actually see what I look like

I can be happy I know now

I can simply make another choice

One that feels better

Not for you

Because this isn’t actually about you

For me

Because of you

And know that somewhere I may be the catalyst for someone else


It’s important to know

That what we think we see

Is also part of our story

Interpreted by our beliefs & our thinking

So really what calls me to action is my desire for change

What I see in others is simply a response from the universe to help me decide

And I want that

I often say “show me

If all this Universal Energy is really a thing , show me!

And it does

I want to be a Vibrational Match to change

Because I want to keep moving forward

I’ll always choose expansion

I want unlimited possibility


Every time


xx Kate (& Hope)

18 May 2021

Join The Joy

The Vortex & Meditation

The Vortex & Meditation

The Vortex & Meditation

11 December, 2021


Lets talk about this thing called a “Vortex” & how it’s all connected to being

….and then meditation


Ok , so having a physical body

Is A mazing!

But if all you ever do over the course of your life , is move further & further away from the ultimate being that you came in as….

Sorry , but , kinda

What’s the point?


Oh , & before we go any further

PLEASE let us remind a whole bunch of you , that it’s taken you a whole lifetime thus far to get a crappy habit of ignoring your intuition & finessing how to make yourself unhappy or at the very least , less than you want to be…..

Just sayin

So spending a good chunk of time & patience in creating a new , more pleasurable happy is hardly something to winge about or give up on in the first 5 minutes

( really you just need to commit to keeping an open mind )

(trust us , this really shouldn’t be too hard for some of you… we really wonder what rattles around in there and if anyone ever shuts the door….)

( just kidding! you’ll get used to our attempt at humour….)

( And who sayes more space isn’t a bonus , right! )


SO , lets just move back to the whole “ non physical ” stuff for a bit


The Vortex

Your Vortex

It ” is quite simply

A high concentration of energy

A superhighway of vibration

And when you meditate & slow your physical vibration to such a point that it matches

or attracts the same vibration as what’s in the Vortex

you connect or merge with all that is

You are in the “ slipstream

The 2 energies become a “ Vibrational Match

You connect with the version of yourself that holds the strongest positive vibes

And the most recent version of who you really are

The Vortex is ” where ” you access your Best Self

& Meditation is ” how ” you can get there

Without your body to register or hold Resistance

You step into your real power & infinite possibility

If you slow your mind , you calm & quiet your thoughts

You focus your lense , your instrument

Your body


That’s all meditation is

The more you meditate & enter this vibration

The more attuned your physical body becomes

As you meditate & realign yourself

Your body is creating a new habit

It’s expanding and allowing more

( As in more of it & more often )

To such a point , that every time you do it , it just gets easier & easier to enter a space of allowing ( the Vortex )

You will spend more time as your true self & less time resisting

And shifting from a vibration of resistance to one of untapped potential , will take less and less time


As a physical being , Meditation is the key to moving energy quickly & with unlimited results

If you develop a habit of it , you can shift & shape your energy to create as you choose

It’s the most powerful , expedient tool you have as a Human

It’s truly in the superpower category


We wish you would make use of it

You’ll have more energy , more time , more patience , more happy

Those of you who do (Kate) , can’t understand why it took you so long , AND why everyone isn’t doing it

Kate’s greatest pastime is being a vibrational match to herself

Surfing the Slipstream


From “Physical” when you access this vibrational space (again,“the Vortex “) your IQ expands enormously

Both intellectually & emotionally , but most importantly , inspirationally , or intuitively

You have at your disposal all the knowledge of the Universe

You tap into a library of “ all that is ” & all that has ever been

It’s the password to this never ending , unlimited super computer of life

Go get yourself a library card

It will be the single greatest investment you can ever make in yourself

YES! A library card

NO! Meditation

And it’s free!


Meditation is how you work on being a vibrational match to your Best Self

( and your Best Self is in the Vortex )

( & occasionally, random acts of kindness… )

it’s the ultimate in “Self Care

And it works


Much love Humans


7 April 2021

Join The Joy

The Power of Positive Vibes

The Power of Positive Vibes

The Power of Positive Vibes

10 December, 2021


When you’re looking for answers

And trust us when we say , you all are

It’s just whether you’re doing it consciously

With deliberate intent

Or coasting with the flow of any old thing that greets you


It’s crucial , to find someone , or something , that speaks your language

Because if you can’t understand what the heck you are being shown or told

It’s pretty pointless


At the same time

Sometimes , you have to be open to the prospect of learning a new language

And if you “ think ” that’s impossible


It will be

You see , it’s all about self fullfilling prophecies

And always aligning yourself with the proof of your argument or belief

As humans , you will always see the proof that supports your point of view

You are busy in every moment attracting it to you

You will always find a match to what you think & believe

It’s law that it works like this

Law Of Attraction is always & forever at work

And until you have a real “Aha” moment

And you realise you got something you really wanted that was fabulous

You will think that all this is just a bunch of BS

Because you keep getting stuff you say you don’t want & you didn’t ask for




Lets talk about what you could do to flip that

To change the results you’re getting


We get it

Some of you are REALLY stuck

And believe deeply & without question

That where you are

Is where you’ll always be


All we ask

Is that you try to accept , that where the other guy is

The one that’s really lucky & has everything he wants….

Is somewhere “you” WANT to be


Because when you do that

You reach out to all that is

And say


I’m in this new moment

No longer in the same space I was a second ago

You are actively wanting more

More for yourself

That’s your platform to build on

To dream from

Yeah , it’s a super slim window for a lot of you

But it’s there

It exists

And YOU make it happen


Wants are always going to be there

They are currency for you as a Physical being to negotiate your best life & your best self


Wants come in thought form

They are fed by how you feel

And they are actioned in the second you think them


No , they don’t just pop up in realtime the second you think them

And NO ,  just to be clear , you won’t find a prestige car in the garage simply cause you thought you’d like one

We’re talking foundation stuff

The kind that holds your building up

Putting in place the thinking & actions you need to really grow & keep building on

One positive thought has to be followed by the prospect of more

And you are the engine that drives this

And without the ability to remain open to a long lasting habit of better thinking

You’ll get a result

But one that isn’t sustainable

Or as you imagined


To create tangible things

You need a healthy forever habit of thinking

The “stuff ” you create is really a byproduct

You’re not actually attracting ” things ” to you

It’s more like you’re nurturing energy that will be a match to more energy that’s the same as itself

The key is the energy

And feeling good is the ticket

Remember anything solid is just vibrating energy

So master the energy & the rest is a given


If you can’t accept that it has to be about the energy

It makes it difficult for us to share how to create the “stuff

And you might say Yeah , sure , we get it

But you actually won’t , until you do


Our tip would be

Just make it about feeling good

Or at least better , than you currently do

And then you can start building your energy

Creating your happy is solid stuff

When you’re looking for content to attach yourself to

Buy into whatever fantasy feeds your happy

Seek out the people , places , & stuff that make sense to you

The rest of the planet may consider you cracked

But it’s your life , your thoughts , your experience

And NO ONE does you, like you

You’re the original

The one & only YOU


If you’re finding it difficult to stretch your thinking

Don’t focus on that

All you need to do is feed it

Look for things that make you feel good

Invest in activity that changes your mood or helps you feel lighter

Watch the world around you

Somewhere in it , there will be people being , doing , or having , stuff you’d like

Just considering that , by looking at it , is a start to something more than you’ve got happening now


And another tip

When you are feeling happy or a little better than you were


Acknowledge what it feels like in the moment

There is no greater Joy

And no stronger action to creating more good vibes


Vibes are good

Good vibes are better!


Much love


9 April 2021

Join The Joy