Just Thinking

Just Thinking

Just Thinking

9 December, 2021


If you want to move on

Or create something different

Or stop being stuck

Or are sick of what you have…

From a place of lack

The only action you need take is to start thinking


Contemplating actually

Not even complete thoughts

Just what if’s

Because in the thinking , is where the shift occurs

IT IS the action


When you have the thought that

I can have a different thought


I’ll think about it


What am I thinking , how am I thinking

Or , we’d recommend…..

I want to think stuff that feels good

Even just thinking about thinking!

That’s the shift


Nothing will ever be the same again after that point

It’s moved on & something aligns

You have created a brand new Leading Edge

And as small & insignificant as that may seem


It’s everything

And then some


Once you question thinking , you’ve questioned your thinking

And that is change

And tiny degrees of change CREATE

They create MORE

More of everything

They are your new point of attraction

And the Law Of Attraction is powerful and all encompassing

It’s the creator of all that is

So , KNOW your thoughts are gold

And they count like nothing else can

They are your real wealth

The way you think

Changes the way you feel

And the way you feel is your clearest indication of how your life is tracking

Your feelings help you connect with your happy

With what you call Joy

Joy is a wonderful way to spend time

Either seeking it , or being it

It’s all good

Cause it’s ALL right

If your thoughts are focused on the having of Joy

It will arrive

Be ready


Much love


12 April 2021

Join The Joy

Being “the Best”

Being “the Best”

Being “the Best”

8 December 2021

Being the best at something

Is strictly a human thing


As humans ,  you have this ridiculous standard that has to declare

Some One

Some thing

One singular

As ” The Best “

And then you wonder why “ you

As in you

As in one person

As in one thing

As in singular

Doesn’t measure up


As humans you have this crazy notion

That the value & the beauty of being The Best

Has to be a competition

A ” you ” , versus the world , kind of thing


It’s so messed up


When we say

Be Your Best Self

Just who , or what , is it that you compare yourselves to?


When you breathe in the joy of experiencing the best day ever

Just who’s are you holding it up against


When you look at a piece of art

And think it’s the best

Just who’s eyes are you seeing it through

The one & only platform to judge or experience the best from

is yours’

” YOU “

You are the marker of measure

You are the seeker of more

You are the only authority

You are the beginning AND the end


Own the pleasure of it

Stand in your strength

Cherish your perspective


Because really….

No one else can


Share the crap out of it by using your unique expression to grow Joy

Both your own , & others if they choose it


Please stop making the best version of you

a to the death insistence of only one winner


By nature of being YOUR Best Self , it belongs to the seeker

It is nurtured by the body

Your body

By your mind

Please be clear in this thought

When you think it , know you are feeding yourself only “ The Best ”


And your best will shift & transform & grow & expand

Each day of being your Best Self will chart a course to more

And your tomorrows will always be the better for your yesterdays


Allow there to be a planet full of the Best Humans

There has only ever been “ personal best

Each of you doing your best & then all that individual energy flowing into all that is


Being “The Best”

is really all about

the best ” Being


No matter where you are at

No matter how you see yourself

We think you’re “ The Best


Much love Humans


1 April 2021

Join The Joy

Remember To Be Grateful

Remember To Be Grateful

Remember To Be Grateful

7 December , 2021


Most of you find it easy to want

To ask for things

To send a vibration of desire


So many of you , see the exercise as a 2 step process

I ask

I get

I ask

I get

And repeat

And repeat


And this works


Without exception


What so many haven’t aligned with yet is Step 3

How to speed the process up or achieve greater results


Step 1 & 2 without Step 3 could look a little like this

“ this doesn’t work ”

“ I didn’t ask for this ”

“ this is rubbish ”

“ what am I doing wrong ”

“ why is it taking so long ”


sound familiar….


Step 3 , people , is the best bit

It is the realization

The proof that what you asked for is here & more is on its way

That it is ALL possible

That the law is actually in effect

That you are in charge

And you can have as much , or as little of it , as you want




When what you asked for arrives


Be happy about it

Say thanks


Not just the big stuff

And not just the stuff you want to keep , or remember asking for

All of it

Even when you’re going through the things you wish you weren’t

You can’t deny they arrive using the same premise that had you winning the lottery last week

It all comes from the same place

This is why we say to do your asking when you’re in a place of feeling good

Or when life feels calm or easier

You are more centered & your vibration is in a better space to attract more good vibes


Without the vibrational offering of Gratitude

Your wants become almost 1 dimensional

They lack luster

Or you have to sift through the Wants you recognize asking for


Your energy & your Vibration are working because that is what they do

But you may fail to recognize their results

You may believe you are the exception, or that the laws of the universe have passed you by


They are always in existence

And they are always working

It is your actions that leave you wondering

Placing yourself in alignment with what you want happens when you’re Grateful

And to receive , you have to be a Vibrational Match to your Want

In any situation

No matter the circumstances

If you connect with an appreciation of anything that is working in your life

Or just anything that makes you happy or lights you up

From the feel of a cool breeze to a free soda to an unexpected hug

You will attract more of the same

More of what is working

Be open to receive!


It is the deliberate action to be aware that is the dominant vibration

Your dominant point of attraction

The Fundamental is at work

And so are you

When you exercise Step 3



Much love


1 Dec 2019

Join The Joy

Ask & You Shall Receive

Ask & You Shall Receive

Ask & You Shall Receive

6 December , 2021


This Fundamental

In essence , could not be any simpler

Ask & You Shall Receive

It is law

 Law of Attraction

The sticking point 

is that so many of you 

have absolutely no awareness of what you’re asking for

That you are in effect , magnets to all your Wants

Those you desire openly & those you wish to blame on life , circumstance , or another


The key to real alignment of all that is

Is deliberate asking

Being present

Action that’s born from itself

Realization that is connected to your Vortex & in turn Source Energy


You are a vibrational Being

Constantly emitting energy

Forever attracting like minded energy to you


What is your energy saying about you

Your Wants are simply your energy put into words

You are a beacon to what you are asking for

It is on it’s way to you


And forever


Reach for the being , doing & having that brings Joy

Do it deliberately




Much love


1 Dec 2019

Join The Joy




5 December , 2021


By your own definition , “ Contrast ” is just difference

And it’s really functional

You’ll create your own Contrast

And you’ll draw on each other’s to help make choices & decisions

Being curious creates Contrast & leads you to it for answers

There’s real freedom in your differences , if you can appreciate the purpose of them

Every other opinion or life choice that exists as different or in opposition to yours is invaluable

They help in deciding what you really want

Contrast exists to show you the infinite array of perspectives available in Physical

About anything you can imagine


Contrast is directly linked to Choice

Without personal Choice there’d be no Contrast

You all choose what you think & how you act individually

In turn , all these singular choices & actions create a collective Contrast

Something greater than yourself

Contrast is the “evidence” of all these different opinions & beliefs & actions occurring

It helps you reassess & evaluate what’s working

Not only for yourself as an individual

But as a group

It’s what happens between you having an opinion & changing your mind


When you decided to enter physical

You were excited & willing to be a part of the endless choices

Simply to experience

To use it ALL as a way of growing yourself & gaining greater understanding

So many of you have lost touch with that

You’ve surrendered your interest & decided you know all there is to know


In Physical , no one body , can simultaneously experience all your world has to offer

Every conceivable action at the same time

Collectively you create this for each other

Together you co create all possibilities & create new, unthought of options


Contrast exists like a shopping list of choice

You’ll draw from it what you seek

It will alert you to new options

Some , you may not have considered , or thought of , yourself

It will show you the creation of choices made

Some appealing , some not

And you might be surprised how you can change your mind simply from the contrast offered


It can even help you pursue options without having to deliberately experience them

It helps you pick & choose

It often expedites your process

You don’t have to be in a war to understand the Contrast of it


There does however , have to have been a war

For the Contrast to exist

It has to have been in someone’s experience


All your differing selections are crucial

They co create ever changing Contrast

Contrast is a direct representation of what you are all creating individually

You’re all equally involved

You all have Choice

That is the level platform it’s created from


There’ll always be Contrast

Where you take it & how much you value it

Are up to you

It exists

It has purpose

It’s invaluable

It happens because of you

This won’t change

But how much you appreciate it , might


You all have personal Choice

It’s Universal Law

Because of Choice , you may never all agree on ALL subjects, at the same time

You don’t have to align with another’s opinion or life choice

Acceptance of it’s “right to exist “ is what expedites your expansion & growth

Contrast is the manifestation in your world , that you all draw benefit , from the right to personal Choice


Much love


16 Jan 2020

Join The Joy