Ok We get it

Ok We get it

Ok We get it

24 February, 2022

hope energy love life create manifest attraction thoughts think thinking selfcare inspiration personal development life coaching fun play LOA

Ok We Get It






Pissed Off









But Do You Want To Stay There ?


If the answer is NO

You have already created change

You are busy moving toward something else

Attracting to you something different

You have created Hope

And space

And possibility


You are busy being Better

Better than you were

Better than that moment

Open to Change

Open to New

Creating a New Now


Know you have sent up a flare

Help is on the way


A plan is in place

Your point of attraction is fluid

Not static

Not stuck

The thickness of a piece of paper , cannot be denied

And is all that’s needed


In this case

NO is the affirmative

You are in motion

And nothing in motion , stays the same

Fluid energy is creation itself


If the answer was YES

We see you

We love you

We’ll wait with you

Breathe deeply

And ask yourself again tomorrow


Much love


22 Nov 2019

Join The Joy

“How To Want” Hacks

“How To Want” Hacks

“How To Want” Hacks

15 February, 2022

busybeingkate hope wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

First decide your WANT

Then it’s important to attach yourself to it

If you’re a vibrational match to your want , it’s in your energy already

It’s finding it’s way to you

Try to imagine the look and feel of it

How the being , doing , or having it , looks and feels

Often the feeling is easier if it’s something tangible

To imagine the literal feel of something with your body


When it comes to your emotive feeling

As long as you attempt to attach to a feeling that is better

than how you feel in the current moment

you are moving forward

You can close your eyes

And relax into how it would feel in your body to have your want already

Practice feeling happy and grateful about your want as part of your experience

Just as if it exists

 You don’t need to figure out how you’re going to acquire it

That’s not your role

You simply need to hold your vibration clear so it can find you

It will align with you , if you do this

Again , grow your vibration , by becoming a vibrational match to your desire

It’s not difficult

And there is no struggle

Take small steps forward everyday

Remain open to change

Know that you may not understand how it’s going to happen

Just that it WILL


This is where being Grateful is helpful

If you know the feeling of peace and fulfilment in achievement

It’s so much easier to recall it deliberately

To apply it to something else

To repurpose the feeling and apply it to helping create something else favourable

The more you practise this cycle

or create this habit

Of wanting something , it’s arrival , feeling gratitude for it , happy you have it

The easier it all becomes


For Kate, she will first discern her want

Just what she wants

She will work on the clarity of it

As in, is she asking for the right thing

Whenever you ask for something, there is the exact opposite of it

And when you are coming from a place of lack

It’s easy to ask for the opposite of what you actually want

Because you are more focused on its absence 

Than its presence


Because what comes to you is always a match to you

Your results may seem like nothing’s working

For example

If you want to lose weight

You may focus so much on the excess weight

That what you are actually asking for is more of it

NOT the absence of it

This is where clarity is important

Peel back some layers

Look closer


“ Why do you want to loose weight ? ”

Maybe it’s because you don’t like the way you look

Maybe it’s because you have health issues

Maybe it’s because you feel unhappy

We would suggest using these deeper responses to create your want


Really what you are expressing

What your true vibration is shaping


“ I want to love the way my body looks ”

“ I want absolute wellbeing ”

“ I want to feel great in my body ”


These are wants that put you in an immediate vibration of gratitude

& reach out to vibrational alignment with all that is

They expedite your point of power

Kate would actually find herself asking for the action

This way , she’s already Busy BEING

“ I want to be a vibrational match to loving the way my body looks each day ”

“ I want to be a vibrational match to Absolute Wellbeing always & forever ”

“ I want to be a vibrational match to feeling great in my body everyday ”


You have a saying

“ Thy Will Be Done ”

And yours can

Your Will is your Want or Desire in motion

And it is natural that it come to pass

It’s one of the laws of your Universe

It’s the ultimate version of The World Wide Web


It’s The Unlimited Universal You

Like the Web , it exists

it’s constantly being added to

subtracted from


in motion

with endless choices and scenarios

You’re totally connected

Hooked up

Switched On

And happening

Now & Forever


Much Love


11 Jan 2022

Join The Joy

Want or Whim Vibration

Want or Whim Vibration

Want or Whim Vibration

11 February, 2022

sand footprints feet beach

There is a difference between pondering something & adopting it

Considering a subject

Acting on it

And taking it as your truth

Are all exclusive vibrations

When something is your dominant vibration

IT , becomes your point of attraction

When you think it

or feel it

without hesitation

or prompting

or repeatedly

It’s a NOW belief

You’ve moved from shopping list

to purchase


to pioneer

tyre kicker



This is where your lives have expanded in an acceptable direction

And your creation is something of inspiration and wonder

that lights you up

and brings joy


You take responsibility for what you’re experiencing



This is the shift from ” taking a look “

Wondering about something

To the action becoming a clear vibration


A deliberate point of attraction

And you can dream all your days

Or you can create tomorrows , with purpose

The choice is always & forever



The way you feel when you think something

Will be a clear sign to where you’re headed

If your thought brings you peace

and allows you to feel freedom & ease

You’re onto something that’s a positive point of attraction

Often , if you’re stretching your boundaries and looking for growth

You may mistake your want to try something new ,

the uncomfortable feeling

or fear

As a reason not to proceed

When really

it’s just unfamiliar territory

Just New

Be discerning in your diagnosis

Return to the space a few times

If it gets easier

And usually it does

You will know that expansion is at hand

 You can’t similtaneously have a vibration of  “wanting” something


being scared of it , so much , you reject it’s happening

and expect it to come about

Your dominant point of attraction will be the fear

You’re in a state of resistance

If you can create calm in your pondering of an outcome

And a possibility that you will move from

how you feel now

To something better

Something freer , calmer

Then you are moving toward alignment with your want

You are becoming a vibrational match to it

We would ask you to consider your dominant intent or vibration

Over individual acts of expression

What is your dominant want

Does it fit into or feed the following energy you’re creating


If you are in a space of wanting more

More peace

More freedom

More calm

More knowing

More inspiration

More fun

More joy

More connection

Then usually what you’re asking

The very fact that you’re asking

Is the premise to your creating

And the vibration is strong

In action

And connected to Source

So what is greeting you

Is pure & clear manifestation of your effort

Any feelings of uncertainty will pass as you create your New Now


It’s all part of being a vibrational match

To yourself

And your thoughts

And your expansion

If your dominant intent or want is to be a vibrational match to Universal Energy & the Source of all that is

You just can’t get it wrong

It’s alright

It’s better than Ok

It’s All Right


Create with ease

Know that what’s coming is on track

And that you are in charge

And a powerful product of your own creation

Your wants are valid

Your results are proof

Be open

Be bold

Dream big

Feel free

Feel with ease

Being You

Is exactly why you’re here


Much Love


18 Nov, 2021

Join The Joy

How is it Ok to Constantly Want for Yourself?

How is it Ok to Constantly Want for Yourself?

How is it Ok to Constantly Want for Yourself?

9 February, 2022

Ask hope why questions life plan questions answered hope energy Being gratitude grateful love life create manifest attraction thoughts think thinking selfcare inspiration personal development life coaching fun play LOA feel feelings

How is it Ok to Constantly Want for Yourself ?

Hope: Who else would you “ want ” for ?


Hope: And why would you want for others ?

Because it’s a nice thing to do……….

And because I love them

Hope: We are happy for you , that you know the feeling of love

What would you “ want ” for them ?

All sorts of things , you know , all the sort of stuff I’d want for myself , I guess

Hope: Actually , no , we don’t know

What do you mean ?

Hope: We don’t know what you would want , how could we , you are the one wanting it

Oh , ok

So do you want me to tell you ?

Hope: Yes please

Ok , well , I guess , I’d want…..


more money

and to travel……

and someone to share life with

and to be happy

and a new car , my old one is , well , OLD…..

and more time

and not to have to work anymore

Hope: So these are your wants ?


Hope: So you would want more money , travel , someone to share life with , to be happy , a new car

What kind of car ?

A sports car , something fast and sexy

Hope: Ok , a sports car , more time , and not to work anymore

Do we have it right ?


Hope: So who is someone specific you would want for ?

Just pick one person you’d start with

My brother

Hope: Ok , your brother

Why your brother ?

Because I love him , and he’s really generous , and he’s a great guy

Hope: Ok good

So , now what if we told you that he’s going to wake up tomorrow with all your wants

Would he be excited ?

What do you mean , that he’d have all the things I just listed ?

Hope: Yes , of course

Because you said you would want for others , all the things you want for yourself

So who would you pick to have all that , next ?

Let’s keep going , because there are heaps of others you can want for , right ?

Wait a minute………….

So it’s a literal thing ?

They’d get the same stuff ?

Hope: Yes

But my brother doesn’t need a new car , he’s got 2 already

Well ,  he doesn’t have a sports car….

He can’t ,  he’s got kids

Hope: Oh……

Guess he doesn’t need “ the someone to share life with ” either , seeing as he’s got kids

and perhaps their Mum……

Yeah (laughs)

That’s true

Hope: Maybe he’d like to not work anymore ?

No , he loves his job

and he gets to travel with it a lot already

Hope: Ok

I see what you’re doing

I get it

Hope: Great !

What do you see ?

Well firstly , I can’t want for others , what I want for myself , we’re different

And secondly , if I’m going to want for them

I need to know what they “want”

So I can ask for that !

Hope: But what if , “ what they want ” changes ?

You mean like they change their mind ?

Hope: Yes , that , and………..

Maybe a number of years ago , your brother would have loved all the things you’d want for him

Back before he had a family

Or if he ever worked a job he didn’t enjoy

Oh yeah , I see…………

Yeah , that’s right , cause we change over time and we are always….

“ Expanding ” , right ?

Hope: Yes , this can be your experience too…….

But think more , moment to moment

It can happen so much faster than that

And for all sorts of reasons

And the direction your brother may want to head

might make absolutely “ no sense ” to you

You may not understand his choices , at all

He has a totally different view of his life to what you see when you look at him

He’s living it

While you are doing “ you ”

Ok , so…………..

Are you saying it’s about having to choose for yourself ?

This is where the personal choice stuff comes in ?

Hope: Yes

You are all individual

 You all have the right to choose for yourselves

For a reason

You can’t know what another wants , really

Or when , or how they want it

You ,  are not them

And they , are not you

All sorts of things can occur to shape your wants and the beliefs that guide what’s important to the individual

So what do I do then ?

If I care about someone else ,  and I want them to have a great life , how do I do that ?

Hope: The short answer is , “ you ” can’t

And that’s because , you don’t get to choose for them

What you can do , “ for yourself ”

Because it feels good and you’ll be choosing to be your best self when you do

Is to be supportive

Supportive of the choices they make for themselves

In a way , you would , “ want for them , what they want for themselves ”

Ok I understand

But what if it’s with someone who’s in trouble or really making choices that hurt them or aren’t good for them ?

Hope: This is where it is hard for most of you to let go

To understand that the premise works and the laws of your universe are in play for good reason

You still don’t get to choose for them because you don’t like what they are choosing

Because it affects how “ you ” feel and see the world

You all came to physical with an agenda

Set by yourselves

Certain things you wanted to tick off your list

You don’t necessarily always choose exactly how they are going to unfold

In your place , in this scenario , we would imagine the person in a place of calm and peace

On the other side of the current circumstances

We would not try to figure out “ how ” that is going to happen

Simply that it does , or has

See them as happy , without chaos , full of joy

Then you are contributing to expansion

To unlimited thinking and Being

When they perhaps cannot do that for themselves

Don’t be specific about circumstances

That would be attempting to choose for them again

Simply imagine their state of Being

How they would feel 

How you would feel watching or thinking about them in this improved state of Being


It’s a much bigger conversation…….

And not what I started with

Not what I expected

Hope: Expectation , can be limiting


You can expect to be surprised !

We’d wish that for you

If we could

We would want your life to be filled with surprises

The kind that leave you peaceful

And blissful

And happy

You are all worthy and capable of that

Hope: We would like to circle back…….

Circle back , ok , to what ?

Hope: To the beginning of your asking

To the conversation before it unfolded

We want to explore why , when ” you ” want ,  it is not the self you focus on

This was actually your question , yes ?

Maybe ?

Hope: You asked “ How is it Ok to Constantly Want for Yourself ? ”

Oh , yeah

Hope: You can only “ want ” for the self

They are “ your ” wants

They are internal

A dialogue between the physical self and the energy that is you

We would ask you , 

Why do you think it is NOT ok to want constantly for the self ?

(without hesitation) BECAUSE IT’S SELFISH !

Hope: Yes it is

Why is that a problem ?


Before , I would have said………….

Well ,  just that selfish people only think about themselves

Hope: Again , yes

And what is wrong with that ?

Sometimes you need to think about others

Hope: Why ?

Cause it’s rude if you don’t and you need to consider others

It’s just polite and thoughtful

Hope: We agree

It is thoughtful

But given that results are only actioned when you “ want ” for yourselves

You are actually attempting something that will not bring results and at the expense of your own expansion and happiness

If YOU don’t want for you

No one else ACTUALLY can

So , why are you leaving yourself out ?

*Please know that right here

there is a long emotional silence

in front of us a wonderful thoughtful human being is struggling

they are unable to answer

Hope: We can see that you have an answer

One that is obviously difficult to voice

Lets just breathe

Small breathes , in……

and out…….

and then in…….

and again out……

Try a larger , longer , slower breath

you are safe

and can take your time

we can just sit together

……. I’ve just realised…….that I don’t feel worthy of asking for things for myself

Hope: So you don’t think you deserve to ask for things for you ?


Hope: And that thought is painful ?

It hurts when you think about it ?


Hope: Would you like to feel better than you do about this ?

Yes , I didn’t realise I was hurting myself like that

Hope: Have you just “ started ” thinking like this

Is it new ?


I don’t feel like it is

I feel like I’ve always thought that way about myself

Hope: When do you think it started ?

I’d say back when I was a kid

I remember , we were always taught that it was selfish to put yourself before others

We were told that it was wrong and that we had to consider other people first

It was just good manners

Hope: You say “ we ”,  you mean you and your brother ?

Yeah , it’s just something our parents drilled into us growing up

Hope: Do you think your brother feels the same way about himself?

I don’t know

Maybe ? We’ve never really talked about it

Hope: Do you think it’s possible that he feels differently to you , although you were bought up the same way together ?

Yeah , sure , it’s possible

Hope: Ok , so your original question was about asking and wanting things for yourself

Is that because you are familiar with the fundamental of “ always getting what you ask for ” ?

Yes , well sort of , I’m starting to see how it’s all connected

Hope: That’s great

If you always get what you ask for

And , all you have to do is ask

And , what’s happening in your life is a reflection of what you’re wanting and attracting to you

And , your brother seems to have a lot of really wonderful things happening in his life

like he’s happy

and his family and a great job that he enjoys

and being able to travel and share his life with those he loves

Do you think he is able to ask for things for himself ?

When you put it like that , yes I do

I can see that he must

The results show that

Hope: Yes , they do

Do you have any thoughts on why your take away from the same upbringing would create such different results ?

Not really , I don’t understand it

Maybe like we talked about earlier , we’re just different people

Hope: Yes you are , absolutely

But there is something that you both share with every other person on your planet


And when you take a thought and repeat thinking it , you create a BELIEF

And your beliefs are what attract and create your life and what happens in it

They are just thoughts , that you keep having

Somewhere in your growing up , your thoughts surrounding

“wanting” led to the belief

That wanting for yourself was selfish


That you weren’t worthy anyway

We are sure , this was not what your parents were trying to achieve

They , through their beliefs , thought they were raising their children to be caring , considerate Beings

The empowering part about this moment , is that now you KNOW

You can only want for yourselves

And this may be selfish , but that’s how it was designed

You can change your thought

You can create a new NOW belief

For starters , perhaps you could give a new positive meaning to the word ” selfish ”

There is no point in holding onto a belief that no longer serves you

You can let it go

Now you can begin to change this thought about yourself

You can choose something else as your experience

It’s a wonderful forward step in your self care

It makes us so happy for you

So how exactly do I create a thought ?

I don’t know that I can change how I feel

Hope: It may take some practise and you need to allow yourself to catch up to your new want

You’ve spent your life till now using a belief that wasn’t working for you

Now is about creating a new habit

And habits , like beliefs , are about repeated behaviour or actions

Start gently

Just sit with the thought , that from here on , you are going to explore how it might feel to change the way you feel about yourself

Could you be open to that ?


Hope: Great

” Maybe ” is very powerful

It’s full of possibility

Something else we’d recommend

Is to be mindful of the way you talk to yourself

And about yourself

Tangled in your everyday thoughts and speech will be reinforcement of how you used to see yourself

Humans use words to communicate , not only with each other , about each other

But personally with how you express who you are to others and yourselves

If you catch yourself saying or thinking something uncomplimentary about yourself

Just stop

Taking note of it

Catching yourself is an integral step to shifting your energy and it’s flow

In those milliseconds 

Everything changes

And gets better

Better than it was before

And as you get better at doing it

You will feel freer

And it will be easier

You will have a new NOW belief

Until you reach a point where you are completely up to speed with a new version of you

And as this new you , the latest model

You KNOW you deserve all the joy and happiness life has to offer

And we know this , with all certainty


And because there are no mistakes in life

You can only get it right

And you have the power to redefine each want or belief by simply choosing again

And ages ago , somewhere in the last 10 minutes of your time

You actioned a new future

You in that moment , became a vibrational match to MORE

When you made a connection with wanting more for yourself

And agreeing to be open to what that brings

Which is a good thing

There is no need for worry

Because it’s already on it’s way to you

It already exists

You created it

Way back there

So you’re saying that it’s already happening ?

Hope: Yes

Where ?

It’s in the vortex with the best version of you that can exist

The one that keeps expanding

And soon enough , you will connect and feel everyday

How you feel when you’re connected to your Vortex

Remember , the Vortex is an energy stream

It’s a forever feel good energy

And you are all part of it

If you want to connect as often as possible with it



Find fun

The more you do this

The easier it is

To connect with infinite possibility

And choice

To want more

More of the stuff that feels good

More of the stuff that’s fun

More peace

Something better than what you’ve already got going on 

More of  YOU , the one you imagine

We want to thank you for sharing

We have found joy in our conversation and who you are

In this moment , AND the next

Always and forever


Much love


1 Feb, 2022

Join The Joy

Energy Is the New You

Energy Is the New You

Energy Is the New You

7 February, 2022

anxiety depression selfcare feeling better overwhelmed consuming

You can think yourself INTO

Or OUT OF anything

The power of Belief 

It’s been shown to you

Many times

Many ways

Over the course of your history

You seek it out

You run from it

It’s nothing new

And never gets old


So many of you want proof

What you haven’t come to terms with yet

Is that you create your own

And if you can do that…..

Why is it so difficult to grasp that you create your own lives

Your own destinies

Your own experience

Your own learning

You are both teacher and student


Have you , or someone you know , been shown a very distinct , very obvious “sign” ?

Something that brings with it peace & calm & assurance & BELIEF 

That all is well in your world

That the task at hand , NOW has a direction


We want to be the ones to explain and assure you RIGHT NOW

that this is what we mean by “creating your own proof”

You , in the moment of asking , became a vibrational match

To an occurrence that would confirm

Or deny

Your true north

Your vibrational point of attraction

And when we say deny, we mean , when you didn’t get a sign

When you didn’t receive


You still received

Your energy was busy wanting

The whole time

Perhaps just the opposite , of what you believed you were asking for


Whether you have this miraculous moment that you attach yourself to as a clear way to head

Or you keep wanting direction and labelling outcomes as a reason not to proceed

You are plotting your course

You are in the midst of vibrating

And attracting

It’s just about WHAT


Without realising ,

you may be asking for a distinct sign ,

to allow you ,

to take the direction that matches how you are thinking or feeling

About the decision to be made

You may not have connected yet

That you won’t do it

Because you don’t WANT to do it


You WILL do it

Because as you considered the whole thing

Your had already accepted it

In that moment , you sent out the memo either way

The universe is simply yielding to your vibration

If it were us, we’d be sure of what we really want

And we’d know that , by what’s happening to us

 Energy travels the path of least resistance



So in your supposed surrender

The moment in which you left it all to the Universe

You simply sent a want from yourself , out there to double back and greet you

In the form of a sign

It’s called “Looping”

And energy has always done it

It’s just that your energy may not have done it on purpose before


You guys have already worked with this to your agreed advantage

” Electricity “

There’s an obvious sign

Energy twists and weaves and shoots forth

It’s tricky

It’s fabulous

It’s all about how you use it

Just ask Edison

He was a guy with vision

He wanted deliberate results

He wanted to guide something on purpose

His way

To create something physical

From something he couldn’t see

Something non physical

To become something tangible, or visible

And just for the record…..

There were others

He was one of a number working with energy , in that way


You guys are still playing with the science of it

It’s just that the “type of energy” has changed

Well , for you anyway

You guys love to label

Love to create ownership

So you’ve got numerous types of energy, supposedly

The one we would align with most, if we had to choose…..

Is what you’re calling “Quantum Physics”

We’re not into the labels

Cause really , it’s all the same

We get that for ease of sharing you’re calling it different things

But in essence

It’s all the same

And WE personally , would be more focused on the how to use it

Than what it actually is, or who discovered it first

That ship has already failed

Ah, we mean sailed…..

Either way , someone , a few someones’ actually, throughout your history  have been playing around with it and using it deliberately with great success

The issue with the whole mass market thing

Was you guys

You just weren’t ready

You couldn’t wrap your heads around it

A lot of you were so busy wanting to think like the group

You couldn’t see the gift being offered

It was just more important to be in the majority, than the minority…..

It was just choice

And that’s cool


Anyway, we digress

Getting back to here

And now

This point in your expansion

On this planet

You still have the opportunity to create deliberately

To use and move your energy to create a bespoke life

The one you want to be living

And with ease

We’d focus on that

The freedom and ease of being

It’s available

It’s free

It never goes out of stock

And you design how it looks

And feels

And attracts

You are a product of your own creation

Quite literally


And you can resist this thought till you don’t

It’s your choice

And a lot of you are making it

Choosing it

Actually, some of you are even offering deliberate proof of it

You now have documented proof of studies and data that’s been collected and correlated and presented

Google for it

It’s there

Go back over your history

Those called crackpots, are now able to be seen as visionary

None of it’s new

It’s simply whether or not you’ve embraced it

You humans can be a slow burn

A tough crowd…..


The funny thing is

Nothing happens , without invitation

So you’re asking

And the numbers are stronger than ever before in your time

And they are growing and expanding

And that too, is by your invitation

Your want for more

Your need for answers

Your disinterest with what’s already familiar

The same old, same old

You want new

New to you

Something you have more say in

Something that empowers you

Security AND Freedom


We are here

You are here

Let us see what we can create together


Thanks for the invitation

We accept


Much Love


7 Feb, 2022

Join The Joy