New Thought Coaching Available NOW

New Thought Coaching Available NOW

New Thought Coaching Available NOW

21 April , 2022

Ask hope why questions life plan questions answered hope energy Being gratitude grateful love life create manifest attraction thoughts think thinking selfcare inspiration personal development life coaching fun play LOA feel feelings

Let’s talk about thinking

How you’re taught it

How you are taught about it from your first breath


Your frame of reference in the world re: thinking came from your parents/caregivers

They taught what they knew

What they thought

At the time


If you were rebellious or curious , you tested those beliefs

But a lot of you

Didn’t completely sever the thoughts when you moved on or away from them

You need to create your own from that point

As in , a completely separate belief that you are 100% invested in

And then allow the old belief to exist for someone else


Choice means you are not equipped to carry the same beliefs as a standard

You have to choose for yourselves

So you can invest in that

As in “we all get to choose”

Or hold the pattern of a dual belief

One you were taught and don’t agree with

AND the one you want to reach for

Either way , it’s a mixed message


Or maybe you did half the job

You decided not to accept what you were taught

But didn’t replace it with a new belief

Which means

You’re really working under the premise of the old belief because it’s still your dominant vibration


Everything you’ve been taught

Came from someone else

It was a pattern that was repeated

That’s what your parents/caregivers believed

Because it’s what they were taught

So they taught it to you


That’s what they decided to believe

And because they believed it

They thought it was valuable

So they taught it to you


At the very least

You were taught to believe that what happens to you

And how something turns out

Is all there is

There’s no way to change stuff

But there is

You just firstly , haven’t realised

And secondly , attempted to do so

 Your core belief as humans in the world

Is that you have no control

Or limited control

Over your life and existence

When in actuality

You hold all the control

And it starts with how you think

How you think about what you think

When you think it

If you think it

What you choose to think

Is all there is

You don’t even actually exist as you believe you do

You are energy

A stream of energy in the shape of a human

And energy is not governed by limitation

It has none

It is fluid

And unrestrained

It exists , so therefore it is

It’s not about time

As in , for how long

Because time doesn’t exist

It’s a fabrication of human belief


And to acknowledge it’s presence

could only be done in a meaningful way

if you allow the belief that it’s not linear

that it’s not quantifiable


What you’ve all learnt about till now is limitation

How to experience it

How to create it

How to use it to control

Both yourselves

And others


When you remove limitation

All that you can imagine is possible


And for most of you

You let that create fear

We tell you

You can have a life without limitation

That you can create at will

And you choose to create fear


And that is a reaction to compounded teaching

You fear what you don’t know

You want to have boundaries

You want to be told what to do

Or more to the point , you believe you do

The last 2 years of your lives have shown you this

The last few years of your time is a result of your own making

You created the initial event

And then carried on from there

You’re still doing it


If what has just occurred doesn’t prompt you to stretch your thinking

And explore who you are

And what you want

And what beliefs you’re going to carry forward with you

As a choice

We’re not sure what you’re going to create next

To give yourselves permission to do so



Was a gift

It was given in the hope of exploring more

From another vantage point

To play in a different sandbox

With new toys


For a long while

Most of you wanted the boundaries to be firm

To be in place

And for there to be control by punishment

When you attempted to go beyond them

Most of you thought this was best


There’s always been a small percentage of you who push back

Who dream

Who wonder

Who think differently

The scales are tipping

The numbers are growing

There are those who want more

They are realising that the math isn’t adding up

That what they’re doing and saying and feeling

Doesn’t belong to them

They don’t own it

They don’t believe it

And it has them asking



You’ve used your time to highlight “injustices”

To your planet

To each other


The only injustice

Is believing

That anything you can be , do , or have

Is static


Pain , sacrifice , struggle are not growth

They are a signal

A sign

A precursor

That there is room for growth

When you struggle you are not growing

When you feel pain toward or about struggle

You are not growing

When you choose to continue

Despite how you feel

Because it’s able to change

When you acknowledge the power of your choice for the pain in the first place


And only then

Is there unlimited


There are millions of reasons and scenarios for pain and struggle

Primarily , it’s been taught

That if you want something bad enough

You must be prepared to feel pain to acquire it

You must keep struggling until you achieve it

If you can survive all that ,  you deserve whatever you were reaching for


This belief

Is simply a habit

One you enjoy

Or not

Either way

Most of you still continue to believe it

Or you certainly act like you do

You keep doing it

You continue to say so


What if life was NOT about struggle or pain or sacrifice

What then

What if all you had to do to acquire anything

Was be grateful when it arrived

Over and over

Simply choose


Give thanks

And repeat

Guess what!


If you choose to consider something outside what you’ve already got going on

Let us know

We’ll be here

In fact that’s why we are


Enough of you want to explore more

Your energy created a vibration

We respond to like minded energy

So here we are


Much love


Join The Joy

Why do I have to deal with crap that annoys Me?

Why do I have to deal with crap that annoys Me?

Why do I have to deal with crap that annoys Me?

8 April , 2022

Ask hope why questions life plan questions answered hope energy Being gratitude grateful love life create manifest attraction thoughts think thinking selfcare inspiration personal development life coaching fun play LOA feel feelings

Why do I have to deal with crap that annoys me ?


Ok , at the risk of annoying you…..

Firstly , we’d like to tell you

“ that you don’t ”

As in , you don’t have to deal with anything that annoys you


Let’s be clear

It’s a choice you make

Let’s be REALLY clear

ANYTHING that is part of your experience

Is there at your invitation

It doesn’t just show up randomly

You are emitting something in your energy that is calling a response like you’re getting


You can do whatever you want

Whenever you want

But so the f#*? can everyone else

It’s not an exclusive right

You all have it


So if you’re getting responses to your behaviour because others don’t like it

Guess what !

You’re not on your own

People are allowed not to enjoy what you’re doing

Just like you’re allowed to dislike , or be ticked off , or call stuff in your experience “crap”

They are allowed to choose for themselves too

You both are


Thing is

You’re doing it together

at the same time , about the same things , maybe for different reasons

maybe feeling the same way about different things……..

We’re sure you get the point

The only absolute in what you’re being , doing , or having

Is that you’re all choosing it

 The trick is to respect that you have differences

And that there’s room for all those differences

And because like energy attracts like energy 

You’ll end up with your own crowd

Just being who you are

Of course this applies to all scenarios……

Some HOW

Some WAY

For some REASON

YOU are sending a signal

and life

and people

and crap

are attracted to your signal

Note to self :

It will probably 100% , more than likely , be that you’re a vibrational match to each other

Stop sending the same signal

and you’ll create a shift in what you attract

Your energy attracts TO IT , energy like itself



You are not the exception


Not sorry……


The way to tell what you’re putting out there

Is the response you’re getting

What’s showing up

If your life is reflecting things or people you’d rather not

You need to get curious

Explore what’s going on in your thought process

Where are you spending your time when you think about stuff

What are your beliefs surrounding certain subjects

And is it time to update them

Or start again

Are you actually using someone else’s beliefs or benchmarks as your own


Pay more attention to what you’re focusing on

Where is your attention

What are you feeling as you experience the crap you mention


If your mood is one of aggression or frustration or superiority

The message you’re sending is that you want more of the same

A shift in how you are in your life

attracts something different to it

If you can start a new habit of changing your own energy

what is attracted to you will shift also

It will continue to match what you’re putting out there

But if your energy levels up to something more pleasing

You’ll find the crap will become less and less


Wherever you set your attention

Is the signal you’re asking for a response to

If that’s a difficult task for you

Then start with just wanting to feel better

Anything better than what you’ve already got going on


Well , better than what you’ve already got going on


and you can’t argue with that


You choose to

And in that case

we’re out

You can argue with yourself

or someone just like you

We’ll be over there with the party energy

or even the feel good energy

or just the “ I’m learning more about myself every day” ENERGY

or maybe , the , I’m gonna feel this until I can see why I’m doing it and change ENERGY


Energy is energy

It’s attracted to itself

And it really enjoys the company of similar or same energy

All energy is good

Either cause you can feel a pleasing result in it’s company

Or it shows you where you’d rather be

It’s important to note

That anything other than joy or happiness or positive energy

is still useful

Feeling sad

or confused

or annoyed

Is part of the journey

They are something on your way to somewhere

They can be inspiring

And sometimes soothing

It’s just worth feeling comfortable with your own energy

And knowing you have the power to change or guide it

Wherever you want

Whenever you want

Because you want

Choose on purpose

As many times as you want


Much love


3 April 2022

Join The Joy

Feeling F low

Feeling F low

Feeling F low

7 April , 2022

busybeingkate hope wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

You are a physical Being

As a physical Being you emit a vibration

And your vibration attracts to it , energy that’s either the same or similar

What dominates your energy , and how it flows or shows up , are your feelings

When you feel something , your energy reacts to the feeling

Your bodies are designed to work in synergy with your feelings

Your thinking and your feelings work in such close connection

to create your vibration

that it’s often difficult to tell which came first , or which one’s in charge

 Just know that your thinking has ultimate say

And your feelings will always offer support to your thoughts

They know they’re a team

One will forever support the other

They’re consistently in each other’s company

Thinking is the instigator always

And feelings are the support crew or navigator


It’s important to know this relationship

And how to negotiate it

to achieve lasting results

You will feel , any number of ways

As a response to what you’re thinking

Because you’re not always , obviously aware , of what your thoughts are

Your feelings seemingly show up first

They are actually just the 1st responders

They are sent out to assess the situation

To highlight a way to proceed

To alert you to what’s happening beyond the obvious or to confirm what’s right in front of you


When you are in the midst of joy and you’re feeling happy

It’s pretty straightforward that your thoughts are completely aligned as the reason for your buzz , with the harmony of your feelings

Your dominant vibration is a no brainer

It’s more of a treasure map when you’re behaviour is displaying the opposite


If you’re emotionally flat or down

Take note of what you’re doing

What you’ve been saying

And when your feelings started sending the signal

There will be linked clues to help you find your way

To seek out the thoughts attached to why you feel that way

It may take a while , it may be instant

But the system works


Retrace your steps , working backwards is helpful to finding the source of your feelings

Kate will ask herself questions along the way , to try and pinpoint the pressure point

Just like someone checking your body over when you’re injured

They’re a diagnostic

Your feelings help you diagnose what’s happening and where

She’ll work back to what she was thinking about or what she was doing around or before her feelings shifted


Sometimes it will be a fleeting thought that you forget or seems unrelated

Don’t labour this

Be patient

If you keep having the same thought ,  it will show up again

Just know to be aware of its presence

If you are wanting to feel good

You’ll connect the dots

Just reaching for what feels better

Will have you adjusting your thinking

Being open to changing or modifying your thoughts and beliefs will send a vibration of change for the better

You become more organic in your process

And as such , more and more will take care of itself

There will be less and less effort required


Your bodies actually know what they need and they naturally feel what they want

If you will just let them

If you insist on attaching yourself to deliberate outcomes

Make it this one

“ My body is always in complete alignment with my Wellbeing “

And just for the record

Your body includes your thoughts and your feelings

Your body is anything you can be , do , or have

And when all that exists

Is energy anyway

Flow is the dominant vibration


As humans you strive for understanding

You insist on wanting to know the process

From our perspective , that wastes energy and often adds to the resistant thought that flows

We would recommend simply making the shift

Just reconnecting to what feels good

Or at the very least , what feels better

And continuing on from there


A break in transmission

Disconnecting from your positive vibration

Can be resumed with ease

Just carry on

Going back and reliving things is only of service if you enjoy it , or it brings a feeling of peace

Perhaps if you know this is how the moving parts work

You can let go

And let live

Be like the doctor , once the diagnosis is made

Do all possible to activate healing or ease

You don’t need to keep reliving the trauma to move on

You can just know your body is designed for change

If you seek it

It will occur

You can feel great about this


Much Love


7 April , 2022

Join The Joy

It’s just Me

It’s just Me

It’s just Me

4 April , 2022

joy hope love allow energy selfcare think thinking thoughts lawofattraction goodvibes bubbles fun play life manifest LOA attract attraction create inspiration life coaching personaldevelopment


It’s me


Tonight I was reminded how life supports me

How it always has

That’s not to say I don’t know despair or feeling lost or even down right depressed

And throughout my life I’ve had good reason

My experience has had it’s share of events that could leave you wanting to pack it in

But then…………..

Something happens

Like my husband saying “ you want to see a bunch of otters eating popcorn? “

and I DO


And I know beyond all doubt

Beyond any uncertainty

That life is speaking to me

It’s calling to me gently

It’s holding my hand

It’s making sure , I get the message

The real point

 And because I have boundaries

And because I want to push them

And grow beyond where I’m at today

I’m listening

Sometimes , I really really hate what I hear

But I listen anyway

Cost’s nothing , right…..

To just keep an open mind

Or not commit straight away

To pay attention

To notice how I feel

And , about what , I feel


I truly love the connection I have to the energy that surrounds me

And meets me

And IS me

Life’s good

In fact

It’s great

Even when I’m fighting it

I’ve come to know that sooner or later

Trust will return

It will be my dominant vibration

And I’ll calm the fuck down

And settle in

And carry on

It’s ALL good

And I’m ALL right

And I’m exactly where I’m meant to be


Just being ME


Kate xx

Join The Joy