Day 3

Day 3

Day 3

12 Mar , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love



You ever think about them?……


They started out as something

Quite different

They were all pretty much the same

Similar shape

Maybe different lengths

Pretty much made of only a few different materials

Hand made


They’re adaptable

They’ve evolved


Nobody takes much notice

They just wear them anyway

Most of us wear socks

Of one sort or another

But now they’ve become

A whole thing

An industry

All of their own


There’s a vast number of styles



Machine made


Mass produced






Rainbows of colour

Specialized uses

SOCKETS! even….











Cushion sole


The list goes on

It’s literally


The SOCK list


Just socks

Where they’ve come from

Where you can imagine them going to

Crazy , right?


And almost all of us

Didn’t even flinch

Didn’t stop to pay attention

No boycotts

No push back

No objections

No regular news footage

( Huh! Do you get that….


Happy accident

Kind of like socks


Born out of a need

Someone’s idea of a resolve

That works

That serves us

That remains

Yet changes form


We all have different needs

And uses for

And preferences of –


And colour


Don’t get me started on that….

And fit

And material

We treat them differently


There’s a number

Beyond counting

Of odd socks

Just out there

In the universe





And the level of concern

In most cases

Is limited


Cause a new “pair”

Something “more”

What’s “useful”

Was not only sort

But adopted

With ease

Without resistance

Cause everybody can accept

What use is one sock?

Doesn’t serve anybody


So why hang onto it…



This is going somewhere



Who knew

So like thoughts


Can you see it?

Do you get it?


Or is it just me….


Much love

Kate x (& Hope)




Join The Joy

Day 3

Day 2

Day 2

11 Mar , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

Today is the weekend

and I’m not sure if the recesses of my mind

just simply relax knowing that


I’m getting better at letting go


The skeptic in me says

“Watch this space”


It’s been a gorgeous Saturday

Although it’s hot

The weather just lends itself to long walks in cool breezes

and lots of lounging around


I have


I started to notice last night

We were out


The ease with which I have an opinion

Or register deep seated beliefs

about what unfolds around me

Maybe,  it was the easy access to conversational jousting

Maybe I was simply being a great case study

and remaining vigilant in my self observation….

No matter

The take away is the same


I’m just never short of an immediate response

Or sometimes reaction

And when I put a pin in that

and pumped my brakes

I heard more

I not only listened

I absorbed

I felt like I was

removed from what was around me

The people

The conversations

The music

The laughter

And at the same time more deeply invested

My body felt bigger than it actually was

Like I existed outside of it


Too much?

Too esoteric

Or New Age….

Too bad


Not sorry

It’s the only way to explain it for now

and NO

I wasn’t drinking

I was the driver


Today, it’s stuck with me that I need to be deliberate

in my interactions with what’s happening around me

and what I’m directly responsible for

I pause before I respond to things

I don’t have to be immediate

I don’t have to think too deeply

About what happens next

I’m remaining open

Cause I can


The other thing of note today

Is what I saw this morning on our walk

We rounded the block

And a small corner park came into view

The direct middle of the entry is punctuated by an old school bubbler

or water fountain for drinking

Right in the middle of the path


Standing at it was an elderly lady

She had one hand holding the water on

And with the other

Was scooping handfuls of water

and wetting her face


Not so notable on a warm day




All I could see, once I noticed

Was that her eyes were closed

and she was so intensely absorbed in this simple act

Her face showed absolute joy

And such utter happiness

I couldn’t look away

It was so unbearably innocent


There was no mistaking how she felt

There was only ONE way to interpret it

Couldn’t have been more obvious


It made me smile immediately

I felt so light

And so happy for her


She opened her eyes 30 seconds later

And I was still watching her

Like a grinning idiot


She immediately smiled back

and gestured to me to come and wet my face

She spoke

I couldn’t understand what she said

It was Italian I think

But she’d made herself clear

without the words


A car beeped at the crossing behind me

And the spell was broken

Without words

It had made itself clear too


I waved and blew her a kiss

She responded in kind

And we kept walking


This lady made my day

Her intense lightness of BEING

Still sits with me

I love that I not only saw her


SAW her


As I write this

I just realised

Maybe we’re similar

Maybe we share more than that moment this morning

Maybe we’re both drawn to running water!




How did I not think that before…..

I’ve always adored the synchronicities of life

Maybe that’s something I’ll keep……


Much love

Kate x (& Hope)

Join The Joy

Day 3

Day 1

Day 1

10 Mar , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

Following the events of yesterday

I’ve decided to take the next 7 days as an opportunity to reset my thinking

To just relax into whatever comes to mind

Quite literally

And to absolutely allow

Whatever comes up

To just BE


It’s all for the purpose of recalibration

An effort to take my feelings of flat and less than

and inject them with the prospect of more

I’m not going to make drastic decisions

I’m not going to indulge overreaction

I’m just going to see where it takes me



Strap in

Come for the ride

I just might make you feel a whole lot better about yourself

Even if

It’s just because…….

I need more help than you do



As the day starts and I do what I do

I’m realising stuff

Just , small , insignificant things about me

in my environment….


Just how much I love our puppy

And how he greets us each day

Always with the same enthusiasm

And always in his own unique style

I guess when you’re damn adorable

You just are who you are

Dogs don’t care if they’re good looking

They don’t care if you love them

They just care, that they love YOU


And I couldn’t love him anymore than I do

But I realise, I adore dogs

And it’s probably because

they give so much, without wanting anything

They’re consistent

And unapologetically present in their bodies


Do you ever have a bunch of random thoughts that really have no connection

I do

All the time


Outside the shower I clocked myself realising

I’m fascinated by the science

The science that supports the crazy that is my life.

I speak to dead people and see stuff that just isn’t there for a lot of others

I love that it’s catching up


That the people like me

Who see life the way I do

Are not so crazy

And science has started to make the connection

Not only looking

But finding answers or possibilities

As to Why How and What


And I think that I do this

Because as much as I’m a little cracked

And it’s always been that way

I’m also very practical

I’m not easily lead

And despite respecting others boundaries and preferences

I will always think for myself

Question what’s presented

I don’t walk blindly into the void

So much of what I believe

Gets constantly questioned

I’m no push over


And somehow our shower door is the cutoff between

the outside world and another portal

Or at least the refresh between one train of thought and another


Cause now I’m all about

How much I love the days I wash my hair

And this is because running water

Starts at the top of my head

And falls to my feet


I find it completely relaxing

And utterly fabulous

Thoughts flow thick and fast and I always wish I had a pen and paper

Not baths

I’ve never been a lover of those

Showers is my thing

Water in motion


I’m really not a fan of those rainfall shower heads

I think they’re ridiculous

So all the high end spas and hotels around the planet

Did you ever stop to think about

“What if I don’t want my fucking hair wet?????!!!!!!”

Yeah, it’s a real thing

And trying not to get your hair wet and have a shower

Leaves you like a twisted pretzel

With a kink somewhere you don’t want it

NOT at all relaxed….

just saying


Ok calm down

Safe to say

At the end of this week

It will still be a hard NO

To that particular plumbing hardware


And maybe I’ll start washing my hair every day

Just cause it feels good

Maybe not……


Maybe water is a thing for me

I’ve always found it soothing

I like to walk the waters edge

I love my laundry…..

I often find myself lost in thought with my hands in our sink


I’m now at my desk and knee deep in paperwork

And for today

I’m not loving or hating

I’m just doing

I’m deliberately not going to stay with any thoughts of what it all means

or what it all represents

I’m just going to treat it like a process

And get it done


Just got some news that would normally make me swear

And then feel knotted up

and swear some more….

And then take a breath and figure it out


in sitting here contemplating how to NOT get invested

I just keep thinking

Let Go

Let Go

So what

It is what it is

If I get annoyed

It still is

It happened

I’m not going to erase it

But I can lean into it

If I were looking back on it 2 days from now

I wouldn’t be pissed

Cause I would be removed from it

It’s actually the same right now

It’s already happened

It’s already passed

All that’s keeping it fresh

And current

And active

Is me thinking angry thoughts about it

On repeat


In 2 days

It will be ok

I’ll be ok

I want that now

I’m going back to my paperwork

And that’s my focus

I’ve moved on

It’s gone

It’s done


I realise

I can let go


It takes more effort

To stay stuck

To continue feeling uncomfortable


I don’t enjoy it

And it’s pretty bloody useless

It actually serves no purpose

Intense displays of less

Get in the way


Intense emotions of more

or upbeat

or good vibes

And they

Feed all the best things

And I’m actually happy to see

I’m ok

For now

Feeling Ok

is Ok


And just so you know

this is a conversation out loud

I’m sitting at my desk talking to the air and myself

It’s literally

discussing this with myself

and it feels good

and I feel I can actually let go

somehow saying it


I feel better



I’m my own shade of kooky

And I’m just fine with that


Today is under way

It’s a work in progress

And so am I


Much love

Kate x (& Hope)


Join The Joy

Dirty Laundry

Dirty Laundry

Dirty Laundry

9 Mar , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

Do you ever wonder

How it is

At just the right moment

Life offers up the kick in the pants you needed

Or how your everyday 

Seems to sync with your every need


I don’t


Cause I’m a trained professional

I’ve been doing this a long time

Falling flat on my face

And bouncing back up again

Or using my days 

As a delivery vehicle for yet more life lessons




I still love with an absolute passion

When I’m surprised

And rewarded

For my blissful ignorance 

At when it’s all gonna happen

And how it’s gonna manifest



No matter how much I know

Or how clever I think I am

The amount of care I’ve taken

Just what level of appreciation I master

Even how often that occurs

I’m still flummoxed




When all that IS

Shows all that I AM

Just how much more

I can BE

I absolutely LOVE life

It’s great!

But only when I accept


It’s great


This morning we needed a technician

A trained individual

A skilled professional

To attend our space


In particular

Our laundry


The washer wasn’t working

well, wasn’t behaving how it “should”


it was acting weird 


It was spinning constantly

Wouldn’t recognise when it was supposed to be washing

Was beeping loudly


And then constantly spinning

Then releasing the lock button on the door


did I mention

constantly spinning…..


I went out

I came back

I went out again

It still hadn’t sorted itself




We clearly needed a professional

And then

there was the matter of the washing machine…….


My very dear friend


Found me a time slot and a willing person who spoke

“Washing machine”


They came 

They assessed

They looked

They prodded

They pulled things apart

They punched buttons

They put things back together

They swore


This is where we bonded 

And held hands

At this juncture

We united

As lost

And completely annoyed

And , well……

A little pissed off at the process quite frankly……


They looked at me

I grimaced at them


It was unavoidable

If we wanted results


than what we were getting


to do a reboot

There was nothing else for it




We simply couldn’t continue as we were

Something needed to change

What we were doing wasn’t working

We were both frustrated

No new results were evident

If we left things as they were



We’d both decided


and the tech needed to leave at some point……..




They did it

I watched

And cheered from the doorway

As the beeping ceased

The freaking spinning stopped

And the blessed sound of flowing water

could be heard above all else


Good times



and I’m not gonna lie…..

There was still more swearing

But we were back on track

The state of normal was restored

And we could both carry on


“They” to their next appt

(Albeit an hour late)

And “me” 

To condensing the knee deep laundry that littered my halls


I was so moved by the whole experience 

that I sat on the floor in my laundry 

And just enjoyed the dulcet tones of the appliance going through the proper motions

Being it’s best self

In all it’s glory

Just behaving as “life” intended

And I expected


It made me think

Bought me to imagine

What if 

I could be 


Return to my factory settings

Wipe my slate clean

And start over


The more I ruminated on it

The more it made sense

I wanted it

I was open to it

I could accept where that might lead


The last few weeks

I’ve felt like I’ve been spinning my wheels

Putting in effort and not seeing much in the way of results


What could it hurt….

Doing something different

Could be just the change I need

To create change


I’ve decided

That for the next seven days

I’m going to


I’m not going to respond or react

To anything 

In the way I have

Until now


I’m going to leave 2 basic premise in play

And allow whatever else surfaces

Or resolves

To appear

And be embraced


The first –

I’ll remain committed to constant growth

The second –

I’ll remain open to change


I’m not going to imprint any thing

any circumstance

any opinion

assign any behaviour

or feeling

or response

to ANYTHING that happens


I’m rewriting my code

I’m going to be completely accepting of what shows up

How I feel in the moment

What new thoughts and feelings enter my life

I’m going to be deliberate

In being unintentional


For now

“My history”

“What I know”

Is all new


I’m doing an update

I’m open to an upgrade


Lets see what happens

It’s going to be great

( I think )

I’m open to creating new beliefs

and refining

or implementing old ones

My thoughts are on notice


Unless you serve me

Unless you can reassure me

Unless you add value

You’re outdated

and will be replaced

With that

That is joy

With that, that feeds my happy

With that 

That leaves me blissful

Without spinning in circles

And the only kind of giddy I feel 

Is that of butterflies and new love

Renewed love of me

And how I can show up


Much love

Kate (and Hope) 

Join The Joy

Let Me help You help Me

Let Me help You help Me

Let Me help You help Me

8 Mar , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

In the last few weeks

100% of our sessions and discussions

have been about the same topic, in one format or another

The same underlying theme exists to all of them

different people

different scenarios

different attitudes

different lifestyles


This morning, it couldn’t have been more obvious

A truly delicious individual sat before us and asked


“ How do you help someone who doesn’t want help? “


The short answer is…….


You don’t !

or more to the point



Until someone decides for themselves to action their own change

(and you can always support their choices)

All you can do is lead by example

Be your best self

Show up as a willing participant

Focus on yourself


And we would ask you

“Why you feel it’s your job to save anyone”


“Why is it taking your attention”


It’s just not possible

In fact it was always intended to be this way

It’s in the design of it all

And it’s not to be cruel

and it’s not to avoid responsibility

and it’s not selfish

and it’s not broken

and it’s not to make you powerless


It’s actually how it works best

You were just not taught this as you grew and developed

Till now

It’s in it’s infancy as a concept you attach yourselves to

You’ve been merrily living life

Making choices

Deciding what you want and what you don’t

Without truly understanding the real value of

Making your own choices

And it’s always been there

It will always be there

It’s just whether or not you’re paying attention

And owning your decisions


Everyone wants to decide for themselves

To make up their own mind

To select what suits them

To Choose


And that’s great

Until it’s not

And you want someone else to do the heavy lifting

Or take the blame

Or relieve you of any number of emotions you find uncomfortable


But while you’re in the slipstream

Where everything is fabulous

And you’ll make the same choice again and again without a care

Because it’s fabulous

You’re not giving any consideration to how you got there

Why it’s working

How to appreciate creating “all that” with ease and confidence



Usually what brings you undone

Or stalls your happy

Is when you bump up against someone else who’s happy is different to yours

And you don’t like it

In fact, you want them to stop it, or change it

Because it doesn’t suit you



You can do whatever you want

Whenever you want


So the F!#k can everyone else

It’s not an exclusive right


When you fail to respect that you are all in this together

while doing your own thing

You’ve shifted your focus from being responsible for yourself

To wanting to control others

And it doesn’t work


And it won’t work

If you’re not prepared to give up your right to choose

Why should anyone else

If you can’t respect that someone may not have the same agenda as you

Or that their needs are different to yours

Or that they matter as much as you do

Then you are 100% in a space of control


Now, it’s not your job to be responsible for them

That’s on them

Conversely, the same can be said for you

It’s on you to create and pursue your own happiness

And you won’t find it

Or sustain it

When you play the blame game

Consider yourself powerless

Think you have all the answers for all the people all the time

Or think it’s too hard


There is complete freedom in choice

There are no right or wrong options

There is only “right for you”

And “right for now”


We would sincerely like to help all of you

To assist in finding relief

And feeling better


The tricky part is this

Your angst

Your hurt

Your indecision

Your overwhelm

Your benevolence

Starts with you

Because as much as what you’re experiencing

Who you may believe this to be about…..

It starts and ends with you

Whatever you’re looking at 

Whoever it is you want to help

The only impact you can make

That’s in your control

And that’s sustainable

Is the change you action in yourself


That’s what personal choice is for

That’s what it’s all about

People, places, things, outside of you

reflect back to you

They show you where you put your efforts

What needs attention

And it will always be about you

When you see in others 

behaviour or circumstances

that cause you discomfort

This is a clear indication that there is work to do for yourself


When you can look at another and celebrate their joys with them

or just leave them to it 

or hold their hand as they struggle 


feeling you need to fix something for them


you truly understand the value of personal choice


And we know you think this is









We know this

Because you’ve told us


And we heard you

Thank you

And we would like to share

That as long as you feel this way

you are choosing to stay exactly where you are


We believe

With all that we are

That this is just how you see this for the moment

You have choices

There are options to your beliefs and your outlook

You can shift your thinking and in turn change all that exists

We know this to be possible


When you see another’s pain

You see one option

And this option you see is their choice at work

And you think that by joining them

You will make a difference

You are helping


You are simply deciding deliberately

to limit the options

To stop wanting more

To ignore the very real impact your choices can make


To really help

To really assist

To offer change

To create a better option

To lift them up

Be the reflection of hope

In all you can be, do ,or have, offer a vibration of unlimited possibility


Know that unless you deliberately hang on tight to what is occurring

It is not sustainable 

It cannot continue that way

If you let go 

If you explore other options

If you are willing to create change

If you stop resisting

And start allowing

Everything shifts


If you focus your attention on this person moving through this space of less 

Into something more

Because they choose it

Then you are truly part of the solution 

Matching their vibration

will never create something more than what you have going on

You are now, simply 2 people thinking and feeling limited, instead of 1


The only case where we would join someone and where they are at

Is if it feels good

Or it’s fun 


Look for ways to feel better

Stop playing out the worst case scenario

over and over 

Explore what you can do to feel differently

Question, if what you think is happening

Is actually what’s unfolding

Change your mind

Choose again


Ask yourself , why am I so bothered by what I think is happening

Your fear, your overwhelm, your confusion

Belongs to you

It’s in your control

It may not even be attached to the person you want to help

They have their own agenda

Their own reasons and choices going on

Just like you do


There is real power in owning your choices and assuming responsibility for who you are and how you show up

And none of it has anything to do with anybody else

Other peoples’ choices

Are actually none of your business

You are in charge of you

They are responsible for self also


If you truly want to share with someone else

Do it from a place of strength

Do it from a knowing that there are options

Do it from a feeling of calm and peace

Offer them that

BE the contrast they may desperately need in the moment


You cannot choose for them

They cannot choose for you

But you all offer alternatives


CONTRAST in how it can be done


You cannot affect another’s life 

Lead by example

While you are focusing or giving attention to the outcome of another’s life

You are neglecting the most important relationship you will ever have

The one you have with yourself

The best version of who you are


The only way to affect or influence outside yourself 

Is to lead by example 

To be so “souly” focused on your own events and behaviour 

That your choices create clear contrast for others to notice or align with

This is true cause and effect

These are the choices you have purchase over

Your own

You cannot 

And will not

Affect others choices

In any other way 

Than by growing and attending to your own


You can never know what another’s learning is

You do not know their best path to access their greater good

You are not responsible for their choices

They do not belong to you

You cannot insert yourself in their lives as a version of them


You don’t know their learning

You can’t choose their path

You cannot be the best version of someone else

And you cannot experience or determine their “Aha” moments


That role is already filled

That spot is taken

Exactly as it is for you

It’s how it is

For all of you


If you can show up in life as the best possible version of yourself from moment to moment 

Your outer reflection is one of ease

Your presence creates peace 

And your essence is of freedom

Your vibration is a joy for life and an acceptance of all that is

You will show up as an organic unlimited version of all the good stuff

Someone who’s just BEING


In your wanting of more for someone else

Having desires, outside of your own

We would ask you to question why you would want that

Why their choices are making you uncomfortable 


That’s what you have control over

That’s where your attention would best be placed

Be curious about your own limitations

Why you need another to change in order to please you


There is no reverse of Contrast

You viewing or choosing change based on what you see outside yourself

Does not mean you get to decide or choose that others must accommodate your wants

That they must do things differently 


If you are the one experiencing the contrast

You are the one who must accommodate it to exercise change

Personal choice is affected and shaped by how you see the world

By the meanings you give to any and all experiences and action

Your beliefs and feelings

Are what guide you

They are the moral, emotional , spiritual and intellectual compass to your lives

And as much as there are those you will share

You will only ever experience them through your own lense

Your own unique bodies and minds

Your “sad” , may just be another’s “bliss”

So to attempt to choose for others is not only beyond the scope

It is pointless


If you choose to support and empower another

Or each other

You can do this by being the clearest, peaceful, joyful, open version of yourself possible

In this

You resonate unlimited 

You tune your attention to releasing the need to control your environment and those in it

You allow others any and all choices they choose to make for themselves 

You accept you are equal

And it is in this energy

That true alignment with all that is,  exists

And this is your absolute best position 

Your purest point of power


Focus on the self

If you truly want to help each other


Much love


Join The Joy