


29 June , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

Just what is it

What’s the big deal


Feelings are your bodys’ internal guidance system

Intuition is your spiritual guidance system

Your energy consciousness

It tethers you to all you are in this lifetime

And every other in your experience 


All your accumulative energy of past present and future “you’s” is present in your intuition


Your soul’s heartbeat is your intuition 

And each body you inhabit is harnessed to the collective intuition you have

Pretty powerful

To know that the investment you’ve made across lifetimes, carrys on

That all that knowing , is at your disposal


It remembers

And stores

And nurtures

All you’ve ever learned

All you’ve ever felt

All you’ve ever been

All your accumulated knowledge


You all have it

Your only difference

Is the value you place on it

How strong your relationship to it is

And how much and how often you listen to it

Exercise it

Allow it

Encourage it

Grow it


The strength and power of this one characteristic should not be underestimated

It is not flawed

It is never wrong

It does not lie

It , like the soul

Never dies

Within its wisdom

Are all the answers

To all the self discovery

You could ever request access to


Much Love


Join The Joy

Back to Base

Back to Base

Back to Base

18 June , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

Hey there!

Hope you’re all doing ok

Well , actually better than ok


Why not, right?

Life’s good

You’ve got one

Have at it!



Just been sitting here ruminating on mine

And what’s been going on

What’s been showing up

And I feel compelled to share


I’m no astrologer

Definitely no expert or specialist

But I’ve always been interested

And paid attention to starsign traits

And how the pull of the planets plays into who we are and what’s going on

Even if it’s NOT something you can subscribe to

It has too many solid relevances

Not to take a look


So, lately, I’m looking

And Hope have had a bunch to say about who has come for sessions

And the stories and experiences that are circling and being shared with us


Over the last 2 weeks

We’ve had a significant number of Beings

Come to us to connect with loved ones or people known, that have passed

Nothing surprising here…….

That’s what we do


Add to that , the dozens of people I’ve connected with

That have shared their stories of dreams and visions of people they know that are dead


I’m talking…..


Visions on waking

Intense perfumes of those gone

Items physically moved

Random feelings of intense joy and connection to those not here

Hugs that felt too real , not to have been


AND, in the dreams, are intimate, clear, conversations

That have absolute clarity in their depth and detail, on waking

Distinct instruction bridging “them and us” to be actioned NOW

You know, the kind of stuff that can’t be known by anyone else

The kind of instruction that can’t be actioned by anyone else

“ Tell Aunt Betty, the key she’s looking for, is behind the fridge”

And she lost it , well after the persons death

And they discerned it’s the fridge in the garage, not the one in the kitchen, “Silly”


Can you relate to being told off

Even after they’ve passed…….

This person could!


This sort of synergy and coincidence fascinates me

So I’m on the hunt for answers


What’s going on?

Why now……

Patterns or repeated occurrences happen for a reason

Well, I think so

It’s life trying to share

Trying to offer something

Even if it’s just to get your attention

Nothing happens without reason

I’m just not into “things for the sake of it”

Other than random acts of kindness

And absolute Joy



When I check in with Hope

And ask all the questions

This is their answer


“ You have this saying, or way of explaining

And it’s “old fashioned”, but it works

When you talk about

“where we are”, as in , non physical

Versus, where you are “physical

Or, let’s just say it…

Dead or alive

You have called the space between these “the veil”

And in this space in your time

Right now

“There is a thinning of the veil”

And those that want to connect backwards and forwards

Have a greater chance of doing so

BECAUSE of where the planets and the cosmos is at

At the minute

And we don’t say it’s only that

But the connection between your wanting

And it happening

Has actually created the planets to align

During this experience of your making

Because “that” is a part of your collective wanting also


So those of you curious

Or those of you missing loved ones

Or those of you testing the nonsense that’s out there

Or those of you in tune with new energies

Or those of you wanting PROOF


It’s not only possible

It’s happening”


And sorry…..

Did I mention

That over 80% of people sharing with us

Are people

Who DON’T believe in life after death

Absolute believers in death being the END of all that is

You only live once” advocates

People who DON’T consider themselves spiritual

Or even capable of receptivity to messages or signs from BEYOND life

DON’T even know about Law of Attraction

or think the concept is rubbish


It’s not happening because of them……


I find it so interesting

I love it so much

It actually makes me so genuinely happy

Not only for those experiencing it

But for all of us

It’s evidence of energy that exists outside what we think we know

It’s just too random

And too obvious

To be ignored

And while you may not share my joy or perspective


It bears taking a look

Just pausing

And considering


Not that long ago

In the scheme of things

I took a good , hard,  look

At what was inclusive in my life

DESPITE my deliberate efforts to shut it down

To ignore it

To flat out refuse it


And it persisted

It found other ways to be heard

And manifest

And yes, I’m talking about the ability to communicate with that , that, can’t be seen by everybody

And it happened like this

Because while I was attempting to ignore it

I was giving my complete and absoulute attention to finding my joy

Looking for and exploring my unique passions

So the one , was connected to the other

And the more dominant vibration


When the talking

Or messages

Or conversation

Or visions

Or smells

Or sound

Or feeling

Makes sense

And can be very physically verified

And it’s stuff

From those I’ve NEVER met

FOR those I’ve never met

That I couldn’t know

I sincerely don’t know how else to explain it

Than to surrender to something greater than myself

And life as we “think” we know it


Embrace what you don’t know

Feel the fear and do it anyway

Because when you do

You become familiar

You grow what you know

And when you do that

Fear shrinks

Until it disappears

Or it’s manageable

And what you feared because it’s unfamiliar

Becomes natural

And your friend


Much love

Sweet dreams

Kate & Hope




Join The Joy

World Domination

World Domination

World Domination

17 June , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

You want to rule the world

Or be the master of the universe

When you haven’t even mastered how your “own” body works

You want to be in charge

Why are you so obsessed with ownership

Especially of others

Particularly when you haven’t made peace with yourself

You don’t have a personal synergy

This is your strongest, most expedient way forward

And yet, you persist with all that is tangible outside yourselves


You are choosing not to pay attention

Not to “think” it through

Your belief is that large numbers of people , behaving together are stronger than your one personal belief


When there is only “personal choice

That’s your clue

You can only choose or affect “you


It’s “through” personal choice that you affect the world

It’s the only way it can happen

If you work on “you”

The world will benefit, by way of your point of attraction creating contrast and in turn feeding into group consciousness


Actually hear what we are offering

Apply it to only yourself

Put it into action

Take this premise and figure out what it actually is

Stop presuming you get it

You don’t


Your global consciousness is such, because of the “group”

You are attempting to affect global change by controlling the masses, the group

You will only ever create lasting, meaningful change in the masses by affecting “personal” expansion


It must happen here

That way, you are all having a say

You believe there to be strength in numbers

Your greatest power is in the self

As a singular Being


If, as a number of singular Beings you are individually vibrating at capacity

You will action a broader vibration

This is Law of Attraction working

Imagine a single cell battery, at full charge

Now place 10 single cell batteries at full charge in the same space

It only makes sense that there is greater power

But the power is only available in single cells


Or, picture a single light globe

This is you

Your friend, who’s a single light globe too

Stands next to you because they saw your light and were drawn to it, it felt good to move toward it

In turn, their neighbour’s friend, who was visiting from the other side of the world saw that light and came to stand next to them

They are now the third single globe shining away

If this process repeats, the light would be blinding

It would be all you see


Do you get it?

Can you see how you create synergy, NOT amass power

If you just take care of all you will ever have charge of


Law of Attraction will take care of the rest

You do your job and it will do the rest

But you must understand what role you play

If you expect anything other than what you have


It is your role to shine

Leave world domination to Source

It knows what it’s doing , because , really , it’s been at it longer

It’s older than dirt

And it’s all that it does

It’s a specialist

It’s mastered it’s craft

It knows it’s purpose

Do you?


Much Love Humans


7 Aug 2020

Join The Joy

R e s p e c t

R e s p e c t

R e s p e c t

16 June , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

Never respect someone or something else

At the expense of disrespecting yourself


In essence

Respect for others starts and ends

With the level of care,  concern,  and value you place on the self

The way and degree of consideration and self love that’s offered

And displayed

And extended to “the self”

Self respect is all you need

To demonstrate and express respect for others

If you don’t care about you

You’re really not in a great space or mindset

To care and nurture others

Let alone appreciate their point of view or choices



This applies to being

a friend

a boss

a parent

a carer

a colleague

a love interest

They’re all scenarios

That are about interaction with the human condition

Though the vehicle you’ve all got



Your body 

A human being

An earthling



How well and just how much 

You nurture

And prioritise your most

Intimate relationship

Will be evident in the results that are showing up in your life

How your business is running

How productive your staff are

How loved up you feel in certain company

How content and adaptable your family seem

It’s all there

And it’s a direct reflection of you

And who you are “to yourself”

Whether you’re placing priority on people outside yourself

Before you consider who you are

And what you want



Being someone else’s doormat

Will never welcome you home



A lot of you have it backwards

You read it in reverse

In a position of care for others

You have a duty of care

A lot of you think that means in the way you care for others

The way you interact

How you respect others

How you show up for all those respective other relationships



There is only one relationship you’re responsible for

Yes, even the parents



And that’s the one you have with yourself


If the connection you have to YOU

Is crappy

Or lacking

Or less than

Or uninformed

Or stagnant

Or misguided

Or unclear

Or toxic

Or just plain overlooked

It will spill over into all it touches


And everyone you come into contact with

Will experience

The energy you are

And the space you fill



Of course, if those you encounter

Are running at optimum efficiency

And have a self care regime that prioritises who they are

And then in turn who they want to be


Cause they’ll see you

They’ll experience you

AND leave you to it

To do your thing

To just do you

While they carry on being who they are


And unaffected or drawn into your vortex of “blah”



But chances are high

The stakes are set

And the writing is on the wall


Law of Attraction

Being what it is……


Others, just like you

Are heat seeking missiles

Set and ready to respond to your call


Please don’t act surprised when you collide



And we say collide

Cause that’s usually what happens

It’s not the kind of coming together you get

When you attract someone 


“the energy”

Of bliss

And joy

And calm

And creative

And caring

When you’re wandering around as a storm cloud

Or an untethered paintball gun



There will be Jackson Pollock traces all over the place


And overspray


As opposed to the garden club sipping champagne

Just saying…..



And people…..

There’ll be signs

There will be clues

And absolute evidence

In your behaviour

And your life

As to who and what

BUT are you paying attention

Are you interested

Have you bothered to notice…..



Chances are


Please get curious

Take a look

OWN where it’s all at

Because when you do

Things can change


And quite quickly



Law of Attraction

The premise that shows energy attracts energy like itself

Is always at work

There’s no off button

When your life is the outward reflection of the level of self respect you are experiencing

You’ll know

The results will speak for themselves

And it’s easy to tell

If your self respect is dominant


You’re busy respecting others over your own needs and wants



This can look a little like…..

Never having time for the things that are important to you

Saying yes, when you mean no

Caring too much about what others think of you

Behaving in a way to please others or look “good”

Using the word “should” in relation to yourself

Finding fault in others and laying blame

Reliving the same scenario despite the same unsatisfying results

Please don’t confuse being self absorbed

Or self obsessed

With respect of the Self

They’re a whole other beast…..



If you can get out of your own way

Start stopping yourself

Before you begin

Cease fire

Life will not only support your efforts

It will reward them



There will be freedom

And space to fill

And satisfaction





When you fill your own cup

Grow your own energy escrow

You have surplus 



To share

To offer others when they may need a hand

When you want to respect others outside yourself

You’ve got the resources to act on that

Because it will either be

That you’re in a state to share

Or you’re stable enough to know you need your energy yourself

You have to prioritise where you’re at

In every moment

Respect who you are

And what you want

Not because it’s a them or me thing

But because you’re clear

You know when you’re aligning with yourself

Because of what you’re attracting to you



When you know who you are

How it all works

Why life behaves the way it does

And you’re feeling good

It’s simply part of the process

To respond

As opposed to when it’s not organically unfolding

And you’re left with “reaction”



Reaction is energetically charged with 

In the moment 

Misaligned results

It’s the stuff you get when things seem extreme

Too much





As opposed to




Light hearted





It was always designed

That humans

Would put themselves first

Take charge of themselves

Respond and initiate from a first hand perspective



It’s the point of power for your bodies

They possess and house the life-force that is who you are

Your body is a homing beacon to your soul while here in it

In real time

From a first hand perspective

You do you

While everyone else does the same



If you want a prosperous business

Be a generous spirited boss

If you want to be a great parent

Be a happy individual with kids

If you want to be a supportive carer

Nurture yourself first



It’s all part of the design

It’s woven into the fabric


Don’t struggle

Know that respect is just another word for 

Well Being

And if you are one (a well Being)

You’ll have some

Because you not only respect yourself

But the process

And you’ll get

That disrespect always emanates from a lack of self respect



Much love


Join The Joy