Welcome to the Newbies

Welcome to the Newbies

Welcome to the Newbies

23 Sept , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

After yesterdays post……


This morning a brand new Being

Made their presence known

They call themselves “Kismet”


And here’s what they had to say….


“To truly love another

You must love the self


The source of all love

Is Self Love


To fill someone else’s cup

You must first fill your own

Love offered to another flows from a full cup


Real love is to encourage someone to love themselves


To fill their own cup

Love Self


Those who seek love external

Must embrace themselves

From within


Allow and accept love only from a full cup

It is an endless supply from its source

It is pure love

Flowing from its origin

Regenerative in its nature

Aware of its power

And blessing


This is how it is your right to be loved

If you cannot or will not love yourself

Why would others

And what offering is your love to another

If not valued at the source

By the source


Someone truly loved

Knows the source

Is always Self


Be loved

Dear Ones”



( 22 Sept 2023)


Join The Joy

Knock Knock

Knock Knock

Knock Knock

22 Sept , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

Today when I woke up

There were people waiting to chat

Just like most days


I meet new people everyday

There’s a steady stream of them

They approach me throughout the day

While I’m doing the washing

Driving the car

Cooking dinner

They are all different

They have different likes and dislikes

They’re all different age groups

They come from different places

They’ve got different personalities


Just like we all do….


Lots of us have friends and family that live in different states

Or countries

People we love and care about that we miss

Folks we spend time with

In all sorts of ways to stay in touch and connect

There’s so many ways to chat or engage now

My husband and I chat over a drink or 2 with friends interstate via video chat

Just like when we physically get together

We do this because we miss each other

We make each other laugh

And we’d love to get together more

But distance

And life

Get’s in the way


I really enjoy meeting new people

And the stories they tell

They way they share their lives and who they are

What they’ve done

Where they’ve been

All sorts of information that creates a life

The little everyday things

Through to the monumental stuff that grows a person

It’s in the minutia I find joy


What makes me happy beyond belief

Is when I can connect some of the people I meet

With loved ones

That are still living

When I can be the bridge to a heart felt hug

The bearer of congratulations on a new baby or job

Or a reminder that anyone you love

Is never lost

Never gone


You may not be in the same place

At the same time right now

But you can still connect

You can chat

You can share

You can still love

And be loved

Just like you were ,when together

Of all those I talk with

It’s so special when one of them has come to meet with those still living

To share in the most profound way

To reach out

And comfort

Or confirm

Or reconnect

To carry on loving

And being loved


This is what binds us

This is our commonality

If there was ever love

There will always be love

And often times

It’s from this place they now reside

In the state they are now in

That the love can be voiced or offered

Something that may have been remiss, or tricky, when you were both in the room


Energy is an amazing thing

And because we are all just energy, really

We’re amazing


Life may get in the way

But love never will

And connection

Once created by it

Will always and forever BE


To those in my waiting room

To those just passing through

To those that want to be seen and heard

To those that knock

And to all others that come to connect

And share

“We” feel your love

Thanks for dropping by



Kate x

(21 Sept, 2023)



Join The Joy

Just Flippin Freaking Out

Just Flippin Freaking Out

Just Flippin Freaking Out

4 Sept , 2023

busybeingkate hope spiritual wants manifest energy how inspiration lawofattraction attraction point of attraction grow think newthought mindset coaching life lifecoach love

Why am I doing this?


Today it applies to business

Why am I bothering

What am I doing???


Yes, there are reasons

Of course there’s reasons…..

I’m as skilled as the next guy

At connecting the dots

Or making my time sound like it’s worth something


It’s just right now

In this moment



I’m not feeling it

I’ve got more questions than answers

And it all sucks


I’m out !

I’m gonna meditate

I need my drug of choice about now

I’ve got off track

I’ve been freeballin too long

Strap it down

Shut the door

Close your eyes

Breathe till you hyperventilate and pass out


However you hit pause

Do it now


See you tomorrow

Or maybe the next day….


Some days

Are just about “BEING

Not beating up on yourself

You just need to recharge and reset


When your hopes and dreams are AHEAD of your ability to cope

You gotta scale that stuff down

Break it into bite size chunks that are not only chewable

But digestible!


I remind myself

I’m trying to swallow the whole chicken……

“Bites”, Kate

Just take another Mother Freaking Bite!

You crazy Ass Broad

And breathe

It’s ok

Hell , it’s better than Ok

You’re half way there



This is about where I giggle at myself

And go


You just did it again….



Why am I doing this”????


You see?!

Asking questions is good

They’re part of the process


The process of figuring it out

Or even just part of the moving forward

Even if the questions have you going in circles

Know it’s more of a spiral

And spirals are open ended

They lead somewhere

There’s movement


I’m doing this


I’ve got answers

Access to answers

That are not only for “my” questions

But “yours

HOPE are more than one voice

They are more than we know here

They are infinite intelligence

And they’ve been right

They’ve created ease

And peace

And offered new easier ways to do stuff


They make sense

They care

They are supportive without expectation

They don’t judge

They show up

They don’t care if I swear

They’re not bothered if I cry

They don’t react

They just respond

And they’ll wait

And they’ll encourage me

And they make me feel seen 

And heard

And valued

And loved

And they remind me to do all that for myself too


Self care

I know 

If I do what they suggest

I’ll feel better

I’ll come good

I’ll be ok


I’m listening


And then I’ll ask questions again

And they’ll answer

And I’ll listen

And repeat


You can do the same

They’re here to be shared

They want to offer assistance


New ways of looking at stuff

ALL the stuff


Just ask!

Find a link

Hit the button

Speak up

Reach out



They got you


I know

Trust me……


Now excuse me while I find more tissues

Kate x

(& Hope)

Join The Joy